Mystiek > Over mystiek > Geschiedenis > Christelijk
The Divine fire lit by the great Carmelites of Spain is next seen in Italy, in the lives of the Dominican nun St. Catherine dei Ricci (1522-1590) and the Florentine Carmelite St. Maria Maddelena dei Pazzi (1566-1607), the author of voluminous literary works. It appears in the New World in. the beautiful figure of St. Rose of Lima (1586-1617), the Peruvian nun; and at the same moment, under a very different aspect, in Protestant Germany, in the person of one of the giants of mysticism, the "inspired shoemaker" Jacob Boehme (1575-1624).
Boehme, one of the most astonishing cases in history of a natural genius for the transcendent, has left his mark upon German philosophy as well as upon the history of mysticism. William Law, Blake, and Saint-Martin are amongst those who have sat at his feet. The great sweep of Boehme's vision includes both Man and the Universe: the nature of God and of the Soul. In him we find again that old doctrine of Rebirth which the earlier German mystics had loved. Were it not for the difficult symbolism in which his vision is expressed, his influence would be far greater than it is. He remains one of those cloud-wrapped immortals who must be rediscovered and reinterpreted by the adventurers of every age.
In de Bijbel is hemel één van de namen voor God zelf. Hij is onze hemel. Hij is onze hoop.
- sir Rabindranath Tagore -
Borchert, Bruno: Mystiek
Geschiedenis en uitdaging
Borcherts boek is uitermate geschikt voor een overzicht van en een eerste kennismaking met het fenomeen mystiek. Het is een heel mooi naslagwerk (o.a. veel
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