
Mystiek > Over mystiek > Geschiedenis > Christelijk

Appendix (20)

Middeleeuwen: Bridget van Zweden en Catherina van Siëa

Already before the completion of Julian's revelations two other women of genius, the royal prophetess and founder St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373) and St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), had lived and died. St. Bridget, or Birgitta, a mystic and visionary of the Hildegardian type, believed herself called to end the exile of the Papacy and bring peace to the Church. Four months after her death, St. Catherine - then aged 26 - took up her unfinished work. The true successor of Dante as a revealer of Reality, and next to St. Francis the greatest of Italian mystics, Catherine exhibits the Unitive Life in its richest, most perfect form. She was a great active and a great ecstatic: at once politician, teacher, and contemplative, holding a steady balance between the inner and the outer life. Well named "the mother of thousands of souls," with little education she yet contrived, in a short career dogged by persistent ill-health, to change the course of history, rejuvenate religion, and compose, in her "Divine Dialogue," one of the jewels of Italian religious literature.

Blijf niet hangen in het verleden, droom niet van de toekomst, maar concentreer je geest op het huidige moment.
- Boeddha -

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Cover van Roemi: JuwelenDeze tweede bloemlezing uit het werk van Roemi is even mooi en inspirerend als "Roemi

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